Orthoptists are allied health professionals who specialise in disorders of eye movements and diagnostic procedures related to the eye. Our Orthoptists are university trained.
The orthoptists are a key part of our team and in most circumstances the first person you will meet as part of your consultation. Your orthoptic consultation will consist of taking a thorough history, a visual acuity test and perform any other diagnostic examinations or tests depending on your medical history and condition. Your visit is not only about what you present with but we also perform an overall screening of your ocular health. Your Orthoptist will also endeavour to answer any questions you have about your condition or treatment plan.
Further information about the Orthoptic profession can be found at www.orthoptics.org.au
Ashleigh Briggs
Bachelor of Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Sciences, La Trobe University
Allanah Crameri
Bachelor of Heath Sciences and Master of Orthoptics (Honours), La Trobe University
Bonnie Yates
Bachelor of Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Sciences, La Trobe University
Hayley Roberts
Bachelor of Orthoptics, La Trobe University
Melany Menz
Bachelor of Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Sciences, La Trobe University